Spectra Geospatial is launching a series of training webinars dedicated to our sales channels and their customers. We will start with the sessions listed below, touching interesting aspects of our portfolio that can become an added value to your business. During these sessions, the discussions will be primarily technical, but all comments and questions are invited.
Survey Pro Coding and Linework | May 7th, 2020
Survey Pro can generate intelligent linework and point codes by using the powerful FXL schema developed by Trimble.This webinar will cover the basics of using feature codes. File locations, editing, line commands and settings will be discussed. Importing a sample dataset into Survey Office (TBC) will also be demonstrated. The audience should come away from the session with a clear understanding of how feature codes work inside Survey Pro.
Survey Pro Alignments and Roading | May 14th, 2020
Survey Pro can be used for road design and stakeout. The onboard editor is capable of building most road features. Vital elements of any road include horizontal and vertical alignments. This webinar will explore the Roading section of Survey Pro. Roading basics will be discussed and simple editing will be demonstrated. Since most roads are imported from an office software, the various import options will also be discussed. The audience should leave this session with a clear understanding of the capabilities of Survey Pro’s Roading package.
Introduction to Layout Pro | May 21st, 2020
Layout Pro is a powerful solution aimed mostly at concrete contractors, but equally applicable to many other construction disciplines. Using a robotic total station that is controlled remotely by a ruggedized tablet, Layout Pro presents the user with an easy to use, intuitive interface that can triple productivity overnight. This webinar will review the capabilities of Layout Pro allowing the audience to understand if this solution should be considered for their own business.
Spectra Geospatial GIS Portfolio Review | May 28th, 2020
Spectra Geospatial has a rich history in the GIS domain dating back to the late 1990’s with the introduction of the original MobileMapper. Spectra continues to carve a niche in this widely varied industry combining innovative ideas alongside solid imagineering which takes ideas and turns them into solutions. This webinar will review the current Spectra Geospatial portfolio and the audience should come away from the session with an understanding about the solutions offered by Spectra in this domain.
SP90m – The most flexible GNSS receiver on the market | June 4th, 2020
The SP90m is mostly hidden away from view in an IT closet as a CORS station, or under the seat of a tractor as it is used for machine control. The specification sheet is impressive. The web interface is easy to navigate while still providing access to all its functionality. This webinar will cover the key points about this receiver. The audience should leave the session with an understanding of what this receiver is capable of doing and will get to see the interface that allows these configurations.
Make Survey Pro your very own piece of software. Spectra Geospatial Survey Pro customization. | June 10th, 2020
In this webinar we will cover the ideas to make Survey Pro fitted to your individual workflows. This includes, arranging features, setups, icons, map, feature codes.
Survey Pro COGO | June 11th
Survey Pro has a rich suite of COGO functionality. Some of the routines may be well known to the audience while others may not be understood completely. This webinar will review many of the COGO routines. The audience should leave the session with a clear understanding of COGO functionalities in Survey Pro and how they are organized. In most cases, examples will be presented to allow the audience to graphically see the COGO that is being performed.
Field to finish with Survey Pro and Survey Office | June 17th
Improve your productivity with codes or how to create maps with codes using field and office software.
Spectra Geospatial Survey Mobile Android software | June 18th
Android is emerging globally as the leader in OS for handhelds since Microsoft’s decision to abandon the Windows CE platform. And while there are a lot of Android apps, there are surprisingly few that are made for land surveyors. Survey Mobile for Android from Spectra Geospatial is aimed squarely at land surveyors. It supports total stations and GNSS. It can be loaded on our ruggedized Android platforms such as the SP20 or MobileMapper 60, or it can just as easily be loaded to your Samsung phone. The audience should come away from this session with an understanding of the capabilities and basic functionality of Survey Mobile.
Survey Pro and DXF background maps | June 24th
Do I really need to import any points? or how to work with linework, points and COGO from DXF files.
GNSS Elevations: Geoids, Geometry, and Antennas | June 25th
Scientists have learned that gravity affects elevations. But GNSS does not know anything about gravity. We use geoid models to reconcile elevations against GNSS. GNSS measurements are based on many factors. Two of these are the geometry of the satellites themselves and the antennas that are receiving these signals from space. Antenna variations alone can account for 10 or more centimeters of vertical difference. This session will explain how geoids correct GNSS for elevations and how geometry and antennas affect GNSS measurements.
Using the SP90m GNSS receiver as a base without the need for data collector | July 1st, 2020
Learn how the setup the SP90m GNSS as a base with UHF and or internet connection with no need for any data collector or field software.
What is RTCM? | July 9, 2020
Simply stated, RTCM is the English language of RTK. RTCM is the data format that allows Brand A base station to work with Brands B, C and D rovers. Data formats such as ATOM or CMRx are proprietary to their respective companies. RTCM is common to nearly all GNSS receivers. But where does this format come from? What is RTCM? Many users will see it offered in their NTRIP list of mountpoints. This session will explain who and what RTCM is. The audience will leave the session with a respectable amount of knowledge about this organization that mostly works in the background. This author sits on the Board of Directors for RTCM as Trimble’s representative, is chairman of Special Committee 135 dealing with the radio layer of RTK and is secretary for Special Committee 104 which provides the RTK standard.
Site Calibrations in Survey Pro | July 16, 2020
Total station measurements are based on ground distances. Most construction sites are working on plans that were generated based on ground distances. But GNSS has no concept of ground distances. How does a surveyor safely take these signals from space and turn them into coordinates that fit on a job site? This session will detail the process for calibrating a GNSS rover to ground based control points. The audience should leave the session with a clear understanding of the standard workflow to perform site calibrations in Survey Pro.
To watch the webinars, visit our Youtube channel
If there are other topics of interest to be covered, please forward your requests to sales@spectrageospatial.com.