Winner of Nikon XF-Series Total Station Contest Announced

Nantes, November 2017 – Congratulations to Johannes Nensel, the winner of our Intergeo 2017 contest! Nensel, a student intern at K+S Kali GmbH, will receive a Nikon XF total station as his prize. The contest for this new class of Nikon total stations was held at this September’s Intergeo 2017 in Berlin, where the Nikon X-Series was introduced.

Nensel’s name was drawn randomly from among all contest entrants who correctly answered the contest questions. K+S Kali GmbH is an international leader in mining and production of potash and magnesium. As a student intern, Nensel said he looks forward to working with his new light-weight Nikon XF, which he says is “stuffed with technical refinements and innovations for productivity increases, no matter what activity.”

The Nikon XF mechanical total station is packed with new features that make survey work easier and faster, including an 800m range Non-prism EDM, time-saving autofocus and dual full displays. With the Nikon XF, fieldwork is always accurate and efficient thanks to proven workflows and an array of features, such as new autofocus powered by Nikon that delivers quick, precise focus, color touch screens, superior Nikon optics for crisp, bright sightings even in low light conditions Trimble L2P ready, for easy, effective tracking, so you always know where your assets are.

Nensel is employed by K+S Kali in a work-study program that integrates periods of geoinformatics study and exams at university and periods of practical survey work at K+S Kali. First employed by the company in 2014, Nensel expects to receive his B.A. degree in surveying and geoinformatics in 2018.


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