Haiti Reconstruction Aid With Ashtech Donation

Following last year’s devastating earthquake, Haiti’s reconstruction effort has an urgent and growing need for precise geospatial information. To help both local and international institutions with their rebuilding efforts, Ashtech has donated 10 MobileMapper 100 receivers to the Haiti National Center for Geospatial Information (CNIGS).

The GNSS equipment donation by Ashtech will help CNIGS rebuild its equipment infrastructure to help resume delivery of much needed geospatial data and services. CNIGS is partnering closely with international aid organizations to implement a short-term RTK mobile mapping solution for emergency response and rescue, cadastral and land-use mapping.

Currently, only one NTRIP CORS station, located in Port-au-Prince, delivers real time kinematic positioning with survey grade accuracy to most of the region affected by the 2010 earthquake. CNIGS and its partners are planning to install a broader dedicated NTRIP CORS system to support precise applications throughout the entire country.

Both CNIGS and its international partners have expressed their thanks to Ashtech for this very critical equipment donation that will help with Haiti’s humanitarian and reconstruction effort.


The Centre National de l’Information Géo-Spatiale (CNIGS) is a public agency in Haiti within the Ministry of Planning. The mission of the Centre is to generate and disseminate geographic information of Haiti through the application of modern technologies. Mor info www.cnigs.ht


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